My name is Dennis, in fact Dennis Kiro. I live in Guelph Ontario and I am a student at the local university. This time of the year I usually enjoy snowboarding and march break with my girlfriend.
Two months ago me and my girlfriend split up and it’s been really hard on me since then, I find myself walking the streets at night and just wondering how my life is going to look like without her. It gets pretty depressing. Couple of days ago I decided to go snowboarding. I was heading out towards Blue Mountain and I was just putting the board and the boots in the car when I realized that I can’t seem to feel my keys in my pocket. I had realized that I just locked myself out of the house. I know murphy well and if there is something that known to all of us is that he comes to visit at the worst time. I am so depressed and tired of being beat down by life and all I want is a quite drive and a releasing snowboarding experience. Guelph is a city which sometimes gives you only so many options to rescue yourself out of a situation. I had remembered that one of the students got locked out of his room and found a locksmith on which is a local directory for professionals on demand. I went on KIJIJI and managed to locate this locksmith in Guelph. I called him up and told him I have locked myself out and how stupid I feel right now. He wasn’t quick to judge and told me that it happens to all of us. He reassured me that he will be able to help me. I thought to myself how hard this line of work is, he must have many customers locking themselves out on a daily basis and he has to leave everything and run to their rescue. I would assume the guy is irritated I have no idea how things will go and most importantly how much I am going to be charged. The locksmith showed up and he seemed pretty nice, he was well aware of the problem and quickly explained what he needs to do in order to let me in the house. I was amazed how polite someone can be and informative about every step of the way. I never had to you a locksmith in Guelph before yet here I am just staring at this guy working trying to pick my lock. Probably going to drill it eventually he is just messing with me it’s only possible in the movies I thought to myself. Then, suddenly he turns the lock and Walla! The door is open, I was supper happy. How cool is that, being able to do that and get paid for it. It’s a trigger in our brain when we hack something, it is a high stimulator and locksmiths have that when picking each lock he explained. I experience it myself, when I crack something new or learn a new trick in my own trade. I feel like we have something in common. The bill was fair and I could continue my trip to Blue Mountain. The locksmith guy told me to get myself together and remember that break ups happen for a reason. It’s always a new road that teaches us the most – he said. I was stunned that a trades person who comes to my house in order to provide such technical service ends up talking to me about deep matters like my personal problems. I guess these days customer service rose to a whole new level of satisfaction. Because there are two ways a service can end – either I am in a great mood when the service man leaves, or I am desperate and feeling sad about my existence. Very depressing, but not today since this Guelph locksmith guy left I decided he was in fact correct. I am going to go and have me some snowboard time so I can release my tensions. Have a good day. P.s – Thanks for your rescue!
AuthorEli Abbasov - I write about locksmith experiences and on-site security services. My stories are simple yet they contain a lot of thought. Archives
January 2020