In movies the scenarios are often predicted and the actors are the artists to play it out right and make it look real. In real life your daily scenarios are so unpredictable that it may take a split second to change your reality from being completely flawless with your day to a sticky situation which you never predicted. That’s because your day consist of many important things which are always on your mind, at the same time it also consists of things you usually don’t pay attention to. It can be the wind direction or the cold temperature after a hot day. Many things change on a daily basis; scientists say that even the moon has an effect on your daily activity depending on its position relative to the earth. All of this means that one wrong move and you can get into an accident for example. I wish you none of that but I wish to say beware! Murphy is all about the hunting for your weakness, whatever bothers you today may turn against you throughout the day. Best advice is to be vigilant and pay attention to your surroundings, if you are always checking your reality you’re probably focused on doing what you do. If you focused on thinking about your problems constantly you may appear distracted.
Getting locked out while distracted is very common, many people find themselves locked out or stuck out of their own vehicle because of a distraction or something they were doing wrong while thinking about the wrong things. Sometimes the best medicine is slowing down, look at what you are doing and pay attention to your environment. Is it too stressful? Do you make decisions out of pressure or out of clear thinking and decision making? Sometimes while playing chess I realize that our brains have a limit when it comes to picking the best decision in a certain situation. While under pressure from the opponent you have to quickly assess the situation and make your move which is supposed to be the best in that equation. Best move is to solve your problem and get out of that mess you are in as soon as possible. Murphy has no empathy to your life problems and neither should you! There is no tolerance for life issues, only solutions. If you got issues you can’t wait for someone to solve them, meaning if you got yourself locked out you have to pay for it one way or another. Paying a locksmith with money to unlock your door can be the same as breaking in yourself and then fixing the damage except this will cost you more money doing it yourself sometimes. Point being is you do not learn unless you face the mistake, pay for it and move on. Getting yourself out of that sticky situation you got yourself into when you got locked out is calling a professional locksmith is your best bet although not every company is so compassionate. As we all know large money making companies prey on you to get locked out so they can snatch you as a customer for the lowest rate promised and charge you the most when on site. This is just part of what happens when you let Murphy control your life. I’ll tell you a secret, here’s what I always did when there was no work. When Murphy told me I have to sit and wait. I refused and created more work to be busy; being busy attracts Murphy into working for you. Same things apply on anything else. I never want to do what the situation imposes on me; I always want to do things that come to mind at a point in time so I go ahead and do it. For example, if you got locked out and urgently need a locksmith, I would suggest for you to search for the best available and not just someone from the list. Murphy doesn’t have to be cruel if you’re in control; therefore making a good conscious call is what gets you out of a sticky situation. When you search around your area for a local locksmith you will often spot many companies who may provide great service or so it looks. Always check what the reviews say read the real reviews and see the difference in tones. Second look for a smaller local locksmith company to serve you, simple because a smaller company consists of just a few locksmiths and the communication level is usually better thus the customer service. Do not fall for X and up pricing simply because you do not control the price when there is no cap. Capping it up could be difficult as well, simply because giving a quote on the phone is difficult and often impossible but a close estimate is in fact an option. There is a difference between 120 dollar lockout and 360 dollar lockout. The difference is that the 120 dollar lockout gets you into the house quicker and saves your lock; the 360 dollar lockout will take more time and will demand a lock change which you only want when you need a locksmith for a lock repair or a lock change, not when you are locked out. Lastly, while many things that happen land on us from above or from below, most important thing is don’t lose sweat over something you are about to pay for. Your sweat worth more than your money, well at least to yourself! Keep it that way!
This piece right here is about student lockouts. As you know being a student is a tough phase in your life, you are tired of school and studying and you want to try something new. Maybe start a new job or perhaps go to study in a different city or even a different country. Student life is about focusing on your future and also not getting locked out.
It is a daily occurrence that I get to meet new students almost every day, unfortunately not in the best circumstances. Most of my encounters with students are due to a bedroom lockout and the rest are car lockouts and here is what I have noticed. Anyone can get locked out and it happens for one reason and one reason only… distraction. New students get locked out lot more often than senior students, this because it takes time to adjust to changes like a new bedroom or a new city and everything is new and your head is spinning and oops. Lost your car keys or locked yourself out of the bedroom. Now you need a locksmith and you are stressing about the costs. It’s ok perfectly natural daily occurrence after all and many of my customers ask me if it happens all the time. My answer is yes! Actually, I have a live example from today. Today I got a call and I was surprised to find out that a mother of a student was concerned about her daughter. Her daughter was unable to get into her bedroom and the mother decided to call ahead of time and schedule the appointment for service. It seemed as if it was their first time and it was in fact. She was a newly student and have moved in recently to the area, I asked if it ever happen to her and she replied saying that she got locked out twice since she had moved in. She had locked herself out before and this time she didn’t want to damage anything so her mother decided to call a professional locksmith. Last time she smashed the door, but this time she just paid a bit of money and got her bedroom open clean which turned out to be cheaper. In conclusion change is something that we struggle to accept and while we are busy accepting it Murphy is quick to throw us a bone! No matter what you are going through there must be another person out there going through the same thing and if you happen to be one of those people who got locked out, well good luck! The reason I write about these thoughts is because writing helps them live, there is so much going on inside my head makes it is impossible not to sit down and write.
These days I am a 24 hour locksmith, and the reason I am mentioning it is because I go to places. I meet incredible people. I witness friendship and drama and I live to tell the story. There are many friendships out there, there are friends who hate each other. There are friends who help each other. There are friends who watch each other suffer and do nothing about it. There are friends who think of you as a good person and there are friends who misunderstand you and shape their opinion and just don’t bother. I believe that meeting new friends is hard, because you never know how to trust a person and the only tester of friendship is time. Change of subject. Making friends is not the topic here, Not losing them is..and I am not talking about those friends who call once in a blue moon and offer you their Herbalife products. I am talking about those friends who you are having a relationships with. Friends that have a part in your life and you wouldn't be the same without them. Those friends who you have encountered in your past all have a play in your personality. Somewhere. So if you ask me how I see a friend, I see a person who helped me get better. I see someone who didn’t just ditch me but perhaps understood me. I believe real friends simply understand each other or at least try to. More I believe friends stick around. No matter what happens in the past friends come back. I do, I don’t know maybe instinct. Feels natural to me to reach out to my old lost friends and call them. Ask them about their well being and what have changed. They were friends who you have most intimate relationships with, they know your problems and they are part of your daily life. Somewhere I wish I was perhaps more open with them or a better friend maybe I wouldn’t have lost them. I am sure all of you lost friends. The past — a soup of your memories, experiences and feelings. Or just — you.“The past is the old you, the present is the future. Focus on it.” — Eli Abbasov I can express the past in many ways — war, trauma, love, hope, hate, jealousy, judgment, escape, belief, aim, progress and achievement. What have I achieved you ask, well you are reading this aren’t you. If — you-are feeling like an underachiever every day, you would understand me. I was never taught to think freely and I wasn’t mentally prepared for this world. But somewhere my inability to express myself opened my ears. So I learned also to listen and the person who taught me to listen was a friend of mine from the past. One of those friends I lost. He always used to argue with me about everything and one day I just started arguing back and shouting and shortly I realized that I am doing it all wrong. Somewhere I just accepted him as he is and didn’t argue with him anymore, I just listened and said “Yes Simon you are right” and after a while he was more interested in my opinion and we were able to communicate. But I was too late back then he grew cold on me eventually. The Future! — “past+present=future”“The future has your name in it, you just need to write it” — Eli AbbasovDon’t wait till last moment, save your friendships now and be more direct so friends can understand your intentions better because you save yourself miscommunication that way. I believe that we all need that mental help to boost our survival skills by having a good company. So pick your company carefully and make sure you are appreciated. I never said that I gave up on getting my old friends back, it’s just there is right time and approach for everything. Chemistry is a very powerful tools when used correctly. Until that day, I will just be here. Listening. Waiting for a sign. Just like a good cancer does. Funny thing is sometimes I feel like some people don’t want to be my friends because I do 24 hour locksmith. For example one of my friends who I met while living London Ontario used to tell me all the time that he can’t come and visit because he is afraid that I will get a call and I will have to ditch him. I agree. No one likes to be ditched. Care for your friend and do not judge him, your friends can be all you got sometimes. Try to save it while you can and the first step trying to encourage your friend to overcome his weaknesses. That is your key. Simply because we all have issues the only question is who helps us through them. I am always here for your comments and your stories. I like to read personal stories and share experiences. Don’t be afraid to say what’s on your mind I don’t judge. Eli. Hello its me again and this is my second memo in a series of memos about — anything. Call it memo for thought if you like. You might think oh there goes another lock guy who writes fake blogs to advertise himself, boo. Well thank you, I am not offended or mad at you and it’s simply because I understand that you just don’t know me. Hi I am Eli from Kitchener Ontario Canada and I am in the Locksmith business. So when there is business I work but when there isn’t any business, I write. Nice to meet you! “One of the best ways to get inspired, is to meet a new person who makes you feel better.” — Eli Abbasov -- 24 Hour Locksmith Memo -- Part 1When you don’t really know someone you can easily take things out of context or misunderstand a person or the whole idea. It is how you view or judge a person by what you see and think that is acceptable or a standard which is known to you. For example — #womansmarch or the recent #Muslimban ban protests show such pattern. Where many things are over inflated and taken out of proportion. More about the technicalities and proportions to understand how a pattern called — “Ride the Media” is repeating itself.. all the time. View of or judge a person by what you see and think that is acceptable or as a standard known to you. Me on the other hand prefer to rely on some statistics ;)-- I shared the above article simply because it’s good and it shows an example of how our awareness and perception shapes our opinion. Now back to my subject. I was saying how people create a whole different opinion and reality about an idea or a person who is in front of them. There are in fact many dimensions, and why the term dimensions and not perceptions? Because your perception of the world shapes your dimension and in your mind it’s a whole different world than in mine. You chose yours, you chose how you see others and your dimension is your way of living and perceiving things. It’s your way of expressing yourself which is your way of communicating with the world. People misread you because some are better communicators and some are not used to it at all. One thing I know, communication can save your life. It goes as far extreme where communication can save your life as a captured soldier or help you get the right support at the right time, then it hits home where communication can simply save you from an accident. In Canada you are allowed to take a left turn on a green light traffic ahead. It means that you have to wait for the perfect timing and judge the situation accordingly so you can to take that left turn and avoid hitting passing vehicles or pedestrians. It’s not easy for everyone as you think. It is also socially accepted to to cross on yellow, now here’s a miscommunication scenario I will give you an example Danny in car A and Debra in car B — now just so you know Debra and Danny never met before and they are about to meet each other hopefully not in heaven but in court (I am just joking eh): car comes to take a left turn on a green light turning yellow and what do you know danny boy is flying towards the beer store which is about to close around 9pm to get his BudLight or a different alcoholic beverage. Then Debra decides to intercept the free pass available to her, and doesn’t realize — Danny is traveling too fast. Danny tries to brake! Danny hits Debra. You decide how the story ends. Danny could communicate better and let Debra know he is intent on crossing the yellow. Now I can’t tell you how to communicate but you can get pretty creative with your dash light panel. I usually signal with a flash to make sure that the driver in front of me is alerted. I communicate, to prevent disasters and so should you. If you see things only by perception and social standards you might misunderstand what’s in front of you and misunderstandings do not help. Communication helps, being alone doesn’t help but coming out does and that’s what you can do as well. Many people are trapped inside their world stuck in a situation or a cycle they can’t get out of, sometimes I wish I would be able to help. Yet the way our world work is you have to help yourself, you have to make things happen for yourself and maybe. Maybe someone will help you, some people find it very hard to help themselves though. My mother is an example, not everyone is able to fight their own mind. Sometimes the pain is too big or the depression stage is too far beyond fixing. I don’t believe so, I believe you can fix things maybe not right away but with a bit of time and patience you can. After all it took me years to force my mom to use a cellphone and it didn’t work, then I stopped forcing and I started encouraging. It did work. You know how your parents never actually listen to you? Well, they don’t have to because they will naturally pick it up if you keep encouraging them but not forcing them. “Your experience is who you are now and your awareness is who you can actually be” — Eli Abbasov. On a different note Kitchener is a great place for a new beginning and there are so many new beginnings, every day. I learned something from a very interesting country which thought me a very good lesson, start ups keep you alive. When you have the right people in the right places and they’re able to communicate good things start happening. That’s how start ups born and we have been living in a start up world our whole lives. Many small scale company’s start here in Kitchener-Waterloo region and it all depends on the economy in the region. If people have less money to spend, it automatically impacts businesses and investors are more careful so fresh companies definitely need to develop a strategy of bringing business from out of the region, creating world wide interest. It takes a good branding company powerful enough to create the right exposure measures for a startup, and it is possible because we live in a century where media is a power tool and it’s in your hands. Best strategy these days for a small business like mine to survive is either a monopoly or the old and simple — “word of mouth” strategy. I prefer the word of mouth over a monopoly because I like to keep a good connection record :) Being a Locksmith in Kitchener with a background like mine is very interesting, it’s my background that mixes up with my past experience and general awareness of the situation around me. “Your experience is who you are now and your awareness is who you can actually be” — Eli Abbasov. In my opinion aside the disappointing winter this year which keeps reminding us how hard things can get I still hear a lot of positive voices! Maybe it’s just a reflection of myself and maybe what ever you project forward is what people see in you and sometimes they are influenced to be more positive as you are. This is most important to me, at least in business. Business is cold sometimes, but when you leave a great experience for your customer to remember, you become priceless. It’s very hard to achieve but it’s worth a try — every time! So now that you know me better. Simply take my advice, don’t destroy, don’t hate or try not to lol. Don’t judge unless an advice is needed because positive judgments are good. Don’t forget. I have written you these things because It helps me remember, helps me to do more and if saying is doing then writing is too. So next time you see my post, even if it looks too spammy it still took me like whole day to write it so like and share! Until next time! Your local Kitchener locksmith Ciao! EA Locksmith Inc. Locksmith Inc. is doing 24 hour locksmith and it is best at doing just that. It's a challenge to service on call 24/7 and not everyone is always up for the job but when you are locked out and need an emergency locksmith to help you with your troubles and fix your locks. You can always count on our technicians to help you out. Whether it's an emergency and you need an ASAP service or just a car key that you were wondering how much is our service. Go ahead and call 519-722-7776 anytime.
Many calls I remember from years ago working 24 hour locksmith, and even till this day there are all kinds of customers out there and not everyone is positive yet we always try to make sure our customers are satisfied. The biggest advantage of being a 24 hour locksmith is flexibility, I was never into sitting at home I was always running around looking for friends. I suck at meeting new people and I always end up meeting them, it's an automatic response of mine to feel positively about meeting new people (until I meet them then things not always go so positive). "One of the best ways to get inspired is to meet a new person who makes you feel better." — Eli Abbasov — 24 Hour Locksmith Memo -- Make sure to follow us on our media channels check the profile. Or visit our site - Contact EA Locksmith 519-722-7776 |
AuthorEli Abbasov - I write about locksmith experiences and on-site security services. My stories are simple yet they contain a lot of thought. Archives
January 2020